A Guide to Health Maintenance Throughout the Year

It takes constant commitment to keep good health all year long. This guide does not split it into monthly steps but rather gives you a holistic plan to sustain your health and well-being every season of the year. These strategies will help you maintain your health throughout the year if you implement them in your daily life.


Maintain a Balanced Diet

Good health depends on a diet that has a lot of nutrients from diverse foods. Essential rules to ensure a healthy diet are:

  • Consume essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber from fruits and vegetables that are colorful and natural. They should fill up half of your plate.
  • For muscle growth and repair, eat lean proteins like poultry, fish, tofu, and legumes.
  • For fiber and sustained energy, opt for whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread.
  • For heart and brain health, incorporate healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and olive oil.

Eating too many sugary foods, processed snacks, and saturated fats can lead to various health problems, so you should eat them sparingly.


Drink Enough Water

Drinking enough water is essential for your health. You should drink at least two liters (or eight glasses) of water every day. This helps your digestion, your body temperature, and your nutrient transport.


Keep a Regular Exercise Routine

Regular exercise is important for your health. Every week, you should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise. You should also include strength training at least two days a week to maintain your muscle mass. Choose activities that you enjoy doing, such as walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, or playing sports. The most important thing is to keep it up and see the long-term benefits of exercise.


Get Enough Sleep

A regular sleep pattern and a comfortable sleep space can help you enhance your mood, cognition, and wellness. Aim to sleep well for 7-9 hours each night.


Manage Stress

Chronic stress can harm your mind and body. Use these techniques to lower your stress levels:

  • Meditation and mindfulness can help you relax your mind and reduce anxiety.
  • Simple deep breathing exercises can help you cope with stress.
  • Engage in hobbies that make you happy to get away from daily stressors.


Keep Your Mind Healthy

Taking care of your emotional and mental health is just as vital as looking after your physical health. Don’t ignore your feelings and get help when necessary. You may benefit from talking to a professional therapist or counselor if you have ongoing symptoms of depression, anxiety, or despair.


Nurture Your Social Network

Maintain your social connections with friends and family and don’t lose touch. Having social support is important for your emotional health, and having fun with people you love can brighten your mood and relieve your stress.


Reduce Your Alcohol Intake and Quit Smoking

Alcohol can damage your health in many ways, including hurting your liver and making you more likely to suffer from accidents and long-term diseases. Drink moderately if you consume alcohol. Smoking is one of the main reasons for preventable diseases and premature death. Avoid smoking and being exposed to other people’s smoke.


Preventive Health Care

It is important to have regular visits with your healthcare provider for preventive health care. This can help you avoid or manage any health conditions. Talk to your doctor about any worries or symptoms you may have.


Keep Good Hygiene Habits

To prevent illness, you need to practice good hygiene. Always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, especially before eating and after using the restroom. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when you cough or sneeze to keep germs from spreading.


Stay Informed

Stay informed about health topics and guidance from reliable sources like the WHO and the CDC. Being knowledgeable about health hazards, developing illnesses, and vaccination advice is crucial for making informed choices about your health.


Set Smart Goals

As a last step, set realistic health goals for yourself. Goals motivate and guide us, but they should also be attainable. To stay on track, break down larger goals into smaller, more achievable steps.


Holistic Wellness at Liv

Year-round wellness requires a holistic approach that encompasses all facets of your life. This includes eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, managing stress, caring for your mental health, and fostering social connections. Avoiding harmful habits like smoking and excessive drinking is also crucial. Making health a top priority and incorporating these holistic strategies into your daily routine is essential for living a healthier and happier life. By doing so, you can enjoy the many benefits of a healthy lifestyle all year long.


Liv Multifamily is a community that prioritizes sustainability, environmentalism, inclusion, and holistic wellness. We believe that these values are essential for creating a happy and fulfilling community, and we offer a variety of events and classes to support them. Contact us today to learn more!

A woman following an aerobic workout on her tv.