Great Summer Activities for Kids

Summer is here and your kids are finding themselves with a lot of time on their hands during their summer break. Even with all of our community's fantastic features and open outdoor spaces, parents know that if they don't offer enough summer activities for kids, the summer months will result in boredom and often troublesome behavior.

Summer camps are a great way for parents to keep their children busy during the long hot summer. Summer camps can be pricey and may pose transportation issues in getting kids back and forth from camp. Summer camps aren't appropriate for all youngsters, no matter how much you pay or what else they promise you. If summer camp is not a possibility for your family, don’t worry — there are still plenty of fun summer activities for your kids.

Now is the perfect time to think about summer activities for children that will keep their minds active and interested in the world around them. Here are a few ideas for summer fun for your kids.


Give Them the World From an Up-Close Perspective  

Give your kids a magnifying glass or a pocket microscope, and urge them to inspect the world around them up close. There's so much to learn when you take an attentive and magnified look at the regular world around us, from the patterns on tree bark to the inner workings of earthworms.

The veins on a tree leaf are one-of-a-kind and fascinating to follow, while the wings of a butterfly look completely different under a microscope. These up-close inspections will not only fascinate your kids but may also help them develop a greater respect for their environment.

There's no need to worry if the weather isn't cooperative. Your apartment home has a lot more to offer than you realize. Encourage your children to look at their own skin or someone else's to identify pores and lines. The stitching of drapes may hold secrets that are visible only when examined up close using a magnifying glass.


Have Fun With a Water Blob!   

Make a water blob with some basic materials and an iron or hair straightener to amaze and entertain your children. You'll need several sheets of industrial-strength plastic sheeting (the sort used by painters to cover furniture), duct tape, baking paper, a heat source, and a hose.

Be sure there's a flat area for the water blob to sit on that won't be damaged if the blob springs a leak. Also, ensure any water leakage does not end up on public sidewalks or residential patios.

Take the plastic sheets and fold them into a square. Seal all of the seams except for a small hole with the baking paper and heat source. Fill the sealed square using the hose, taking care not to overfill it. It's ready to use after you seal the tiny opening with duct tape. Small children will love playing on it!


Get into a Sponge Bomb Battle  

A sponge bomb fight is just as exciting and refreshing as a water balloon battle, yet it's far more simple to fill and clean up. All you need are a few buckets of water and many soft sponges. Kids will enjoy throwing soaked sponges at each other, and there won't be any popped balloon fragments on the ground to clear afterward. It is also an environmentally cleaner alternative to water balloon fights.


Stimulate Artistic Development  

Sidewalk chalk may be one of the greatest parenting ideas ever. It's non-toxic and can be simply washed away, and with each rain or a quick hose, there is a clean slate. However, keep in mind that not everyone will appreciate your kids' art, so exercise caution while allowing them to use sidewalk chalk on a public walkway.


Organize a Scavenger Hunt   

This is a wonderful strategy for kids of all ages. However, you'll want to modify the difficulty based on your child's age group. These are far more enjoyable when completed in groups, so invite every kid in the neighborhood to join in. Organizing the event and concealing the objects to be found is also a fantastic way to get to know your neighbors.

When the objects have been hidden, and the hints recorded, let the children loose to explore the area and develop their problem-solving abilities.


Enjoy an Ice Cream Sundae Party   

This is a messy activity, especially with toddlers, so you will want to organize it outdoors. You'll just need a pair of half-gallon ice cream containers, some toppings (including the colorful sprinkles), some paper bowls, and plastic spoons. Fill shallow bowls with toppings and set them on a low table or chair so that everyone may add their own toppings. If you want whipped cream, it's best to let an adult handle that as well.

After the sundaes have been prepared and eaten, a sponge bomb battle may be the best idea to help the kids relieve their sugar-charged energy and clean off their sticky hands and faces.


Pool Duels!  

With a pool noodle or two, your children can pretend they're knights amid a thrilling sword fight. The noodles are too flabby to cause any serious injury, no matter how hard they swing at one another. This is another great outdoor summer activity that's best done away from vases, picture frames, and other breakable objects.

There are many fun things to do this summer in Liv. For further information about the kid-friendly facilities included in our Liv communities, creative activities to keep them occupied, or how to join our apartment home neighborhoods, contact us at Liv.

A man looking curiously through a magnifying glass